Fields for a WC Coupon in the frontend form

Fields for a WC Coupon in the frontend form

This screencast describes the possibility of adding a WooCommerce Coupon form to the RH Frontend Publishing plugin. The main meta keys you can find below.

Title Meta-key Field type Field options
Discount type discount_type select percent|Percentage discount
fixed_cart|Fixed cart discount
fixed_product|Fixed product discount
Coupon description excerpt textarea  
Coupon amount coupon_amount numeric  
Coupon expiry date expiry_date date  
Minimum spend minimum_amount numeric  
Maximum spend maximum_amount numeric  
Individual use only individual_use checkbox | radio yes|Yes
Exclude sale items exclude_sale_items checkbox | radio yes|Yes
Products product_ids text product IDs
separated with commas
Exclude products exclude_product_ids text product IDs
separated with commas
Product categories product_categories Array( [0] => ID )  
Exclude categories exclude_product_categories Array( [0] => ID )  
Usage limit per coupon usage_limit numeric  
Limit usage to X items limit_usage_to_x_items numeric  
Usage limit per user usage_limit_per_user numeric  
Allowed emails customer_email text user email separated with commas or with match part like *


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