How to create error log file in WordPress
Very often when you contact technical support they ask you send them an error log file. In this short instruction I am going to tell you where you can find it and how to create it.
Very often when you contact technical support they ask you send them an error log file. In this short instruction I am going to tell you where you can find it and how to create it.
When you upload an animated GIF to WordPress, it does all of it’s resizing magic to make the various thumbnail sizes (defaults are thumbnail, medium and large, in addition to the original full). When it does this, the resized versions lose their animation.
If you have been working with WordPress, you probably already know that all assets like images, stylesheets, themes, and plugins in WordPress are by default, stored under the /wp-content/ directory. But, do you know that we can actually change this folder name into something else, and yet it will still work?
Sometimes it’s necessary to create a new user on WordPress site using PHP code (for example not possible access to email and password doesn’t work, etc …) $userdata[‘user_login’]=’demo’; $userdata[‘user_pass’]=’demo’; $userdata[‘user_email’]=’’; $userdata[‘user_nicename’]=’demo’; $userdata[‘role’]=’administrator’; wp_insert_user( $userdata ); Drop the code in index.php of the site, or in functions.php file of the current wp theme via FTP, refresh…
With the help of this shortcode you can display the number of comments that users left to the post with the identifier ‘postid’ out of a Single page for example in Archives.
Input data: $post_id – ID of the post $size_thumb – e.g. array( 300, 300 ) or a standard / registered name like “middle” etc. function get_thumbnail_post_url( $post_id, $size_thumb ) { $image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ); $image_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $image_id, $size_thumb ); $image_url = $image_array[0]; return $image_url; } function thumbnail_post_url( $post_id, $size_thumb ) { echo get_thumbnail_post_url(…